Murphy Leadership Team Effectiveness

We move people and teams toward their best.

Combining behavioral insights with business acumen we help leaders excel, advance, and inspire. We do this through talent assessment, leadership development, high impact coaching, and a range of leadership effectiveness solutions.

Executive Coaching

We enhance leadership capacity and facilitate a higher level of performance by delivering coaching programs that follow a clear process, incorporate 360° feedback from others, focus on leadership skills, and are measured by demonstrable success.

Our executive coaching services can help:

  • KExpand self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and leadership capabilities
  • KAccelerate readiness for advancement
  • KAddress derailing behavior that stands in the way of advancement
  • KSuccessfully transition leaders to a new role
  • KFocus on team dynamics and advice for improving team performance
  • KFacilitate new leader assimilation process
  • KHelp leaders create an environment where people feel engaged, trust one another, commit to common goals, and achieve business objectives

Leadership Development and Talent Assessment

We build individual development experiences and cohort programs that accelerate advancement of emerging and high-potential leaders. Our approach helps to:

  • KSelect top internal talent for pivotal roles
  • KEvaluate leadership potential based on empirically-driven, objective assessments
  • KProvide insights to build rigorous, meaningful development plans
  • KSupport strategies to build a diverse talent pipeline
  • KInform onboarding plans for new leaders
  • KLeverage peer to peer learning

Drawing on insights from assessments, we build long-term partnerships with clients to develop leadership capabilities that matter for their business and industry.

CEO Advising and Coaching

We support leaders in the C-suite as enterprise roles become more complex and challenging due to macroeconomic trends, shifting attitudes toward work, and broader societal changes.

We coach enterprise leaders in the areas of:

  • KSharing vision and strategy
  • KOrganizational alignment and change management
  • KTalent planning and team performance
  • KBoard and stakeholder engagement
  • KResilience, executive presence, and social intelligence
  • KNew leader assimilation process

Succession Planning and Organizational Development

We have the experience and expertise to help clients build a strong talent pipeline of leaders to ensure business runs smoothly during transitions. Our services provide the following:

  • KSuccession planning strategy and roadmap
  • KBuilding role profiles
  • KTalent assessment and placement recommendations – ensure the right people are in the right roles
  • KReadiness evaluation
  • KCreate succession dashboard
  • KFacilitate discussions of performance and potential
Sarah Murphy, Ph.D. Coach

Sarah Murphy, Ph.D.


Trusted advisor, coach, and facilitator to Fortune 500 and small business leaders for 25+ years. Engaging, authentic style that creates trust through bold and empathic approach. High achiever with drive, energy, and enthusiasm.

Our Values and Beliefs




Rigorous honesty and self-awareness are foundational for growth.

Courage is rewarded.

Simple is better.

Relationships and trust matter most.

Insight + Courageous Action = Results.